The Cecil Aldin prints and pictures below represent a varied selection of the many Hunting, Racing, Old Inns, Manor Houses, Cathedrals, Coaching and Dog paintings available. If there is any Cecil Charles Windsor Aldin original signed artwork that you are looking for then please contact us on 07889 800857.
The Cheshire Hunt Print by Cecil Aldin
£350.00 Add to basket -
The Pytchley Hunt by Cecil Aldin
£175.00 Add to basket -
The South Berks Hunt by Cecil Aldin
£325.00 Add to basket -
The V.W.H aka Vale of White Horse Hunt by Cecil Aldin
£175.00 Add to basket -
The V.W.H. aka Vale of White Horse Hunt by Cecil Aldin
£350.00 Add to basket -
The Warwickshire Hunt by Cecil Aldin
£375.00 Add to basket -
The Whaddon Chase Hunt by Cecil Aldin
£325.00 Add to basket
Old Inns, Manor Houses & Cathedrals
Binghams Melcombe Dorset by Cecil Aldin
£175.00 Add to basket -
Bramshill House Berkshire by Cecil Aldin
£175.00 Add to basket -
Lincoln Cathedral by Cecil Aldin
£175.00 Add to basket -
The George at Norton St Phillip Print by Cecil Aldin
£175.00 Add to basket -
The Valentine Print by Cecil Aldin
£150.00 Add to basket
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Cecil Aldin ( 1870 – 1935 )
Cecil Aldin Dog, Hunting, Racing, Old Inns, Manor Houses, Coaching and Horse artist was born in Slough on 28th April 1870 and educated at Eastbourne College and Solihull Grammar School. He studied art at the RCA and under William Frank Calderon. Read More
Cecil Aldin illustrated hundreds of books throughout his lifetime, one of his first major commissions being Kipling’s Jungle Stories. At 22, he took on a studio in Chelsea and began to obtain regular work and his illustrations were published in many magazines during the 1890s. In 1895 Aldin married, moved to Chiswick and became one of a circle of artists who between them formed the London Sketch Club.
As Master of The South Berkshire Hunt, Aldin was a keen huntsman and many of his prints depict horses. Unusually, he also carried the horn with harriers, beagles and bassets, and drew animals of all kinds as well as his well-known hunting and coaching scenes, with humour and precision.
Cecil Aldin painted mainly in watercolour, but he was also famous for being a master of caricature in the drawing of both humans and animals. The quality of his art can be seen in most of his work, particularly in his many famous drawings of his family of dogs and his Dog Etchings which are second to none.
Cecil Aldin died in 1935 and his work is now highly collectible. He is regarded as being one of the most original and very best sporting artists of the twentieth century.